Empowerment Evaluation at AERA 2011

The American Educational Research Association (AERA) was held in New Orleans in 2011.  Empowerment evaluation was represented throughout the program.  Dr. David Fetterman conducted an empowerment evaluation workshop at one of the pre-session courses at the professional meetings.

Empowerment Evaluation Workshop

 Dr. Fetterman & Workshop Participant from Singapore

Vice Presidential Presentation

On Saturday, Dr. Paul Favaro, Chief of Research and Evaluation, Peel District School Board, Ms. Malik Sumbal, Research Officer, Peel District School Board, and Dr. Fetterman, Fetterman & Associates and Professor of Education, University of Arkansas (formerly Stanford University), presented at the invited Vice Presidential Session.

Their session was titled,  Empowerment Evaluation:  Innovative Practices for the Public Good.  Dr. Shahpar Modarresi, Supervisor, Program Evaluation, Montgomery County Public Schools, was the chair and introduced each of the speakers.  Dr. Joe McCrary, Senior Research Associate, West Ed, served as the discussant.  Dr. Favaro and Ms. Sumbal presented a captivating presentation about their work titled, An Empowerment Evaluation Approach - Malton Community, Mississauga, Canada.  Their presentation included a brief video highlighting the engaging quality of the empowerment evaluation approach and the application of empowerment evaluation principles. They also highlighted personal, academic, and community outcomes.   Dr. Fetterman discussed his $15 million Hewlett-Packard Digital Village empowerment evaluation.  One of the outcomes highlighted during the presentation was the construction of one of the largest wireless systems in the country.

Shahpar, David, Paul, and Malik

Invited Speaker:  Research on Evaluation SIG Business Meeting

Dr. David Fetterman was invited to speak about empowerment evaluation at the Research on Evaluation SIG Business Meeting. His presentation was titled, Empowerment Evaluation and Social Justice in Education.  David highlighted his empowerment evaluation work in rural Arkansas focusing on tobacco prevention programs and academic distress schools.  He also highlighted his empowerment evaluation work in the School of Medicine at Stanford University.

Dr. David Fetterman finishing the last questions 
at the SIG presentation.
