UNICEF and Empowerment Evaluation Webinar

Empowerment Evaluation Webinar Recording.  UNICEF and a consortium of agencies, including IOCE, and DevInfo, invited Dr. David Fetterman to provide an empowerment evaluation webinar.  It is based on a chapter he wrote for them in From Policies to Results.  The webinar and the book are available for free in their virtual library.

To view Dr. Fetterman’s empowerment evaluation webinar click here or go to:


Additional webinar recordings are also available at this site, including the following speakers:  Michael Quinn Patton, Hallie Preskill, Michael Bamberger, Alexey Kuzmin, and Craig Russon.

Abigail helping David set up for the Webinar

Abigail, Marco, and David using the videochat function as they prepared for the webinar

Books and Guides

They have a significant collection of materials, recordings, and documents - all for free - to help build evaluation capacity.  To access their library go to the main site at:  http://www.mymande.org and then select virtual library.

Monitoring and Evaluation Home Page

Empowerment Evaluation Chapter in this Collection

The webinars and collections are organized by Marco Segone, Senior Evaluation Specialist, Systemic Management, UNICEF Evaluation Office, and former Vice President and Senior advisor to the Executive Board, IOCE.  A tutorial about their web site is available in the AEA virtual library - Wiki M&E.


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