David Fetterman - Ignite Lecture - Empowerment Evaluation

AEA Ignite Lecture.  David Fetterman was invited to present an Ignite Lecture at the American Evaluation Association annual meeting.  His talk was titled:  Empowerment Evaluation.

An Ignite lecture is a talk about a topic of interest using 20 slides and presented in 5 minutes.  It is fast and designed to spark your imagination and stimulate your interest in the subject matter.

The lecture provides a useful (albeit rapid) introduction to empowerment evaluation.  Additional information is available at the collaborative, participatory, and empowerment evaluation web site and this blog.

Key publications include:

A new empowerment evaluation book is in press and titled:
  • Fetterman, D.M. (in press).  Empowerment evaluation in the digital villages:  Hewlett Packard's $15 race toward social justice.  Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press.
Contact Dr. Fetterman and Dr. Abraham Wandersman for additional information.
