American Evaluation Association Empowerment Evaluation eStudy

American Evaluation Empowerment Evaluation eStudy

The American Evaluation Association hosted a 3 hour empowerment evaluation webinar.  The webinar highlighted the theories, concepts, and steps associated with empowerment evaluation.

In addition, the role of the critical friend was discussed.  The webinar included "chat", polls, and videobroadcasting features.  Countries represented: Canada, New Zealand, Nicaragua, United Kingdom, and the United States.

Dr. Fetterman was the webinar instructor.  The session was recorded and is available through the American Evaluation Association.

Participants comments:

This was really great! I learned a lot and got some great ideas. Thank you for hosting! I hope to learn more with the resources Dr. Fetterman recommended. 

Informative lesson, David Fetterman was very personable, he was empowering to the participants. I was highly impressed and will look for more opportunities to join these classes. 

Contact the American Evaluation Association for eStudy webinar classes throughout the year.
