American Evaluation Association Annual Meeting Week 2021

 What a Week it Was:  American Evaluation Association 2021

This was quite the week for empowerment evaluation.  Tom, the current AEA president showcased a multi-cultural, indigenous focused agenda for the sessions, as well as recognizing the contributions of past presidents.

Congrats Tom Grayson, president, for an exemplary American Evaluation Association plenary (from a past-president of AEA - see below 1993 - and also a friend who grew up in the same small town in Connecticut).

CPE Presentations

We had literally hundreds of people attend our presentations and posters.  Here is one as posted on social media:

What Tech (technical) and (inter) Personal Adaptations Have You Made 

in Our Almost Post COVID Evaluation Context

In addition, we conducted a virtual Collaborative, Participatory, and Empowerment Evaluation Conference.

CPE Virtual Conference Center

Using Empowerment Evaluation Remotely to Eliminate Tuberculosis

CPE Business Meeting

Conclusion: Empowerment Evaluation Workshop

We concluded the AEA and CPE evaluation week of sessions, posters, and business meetings with an empowerment evaluation workshop.  The participants were extraordinary.

The link to the Freire article describing the alignment between empowerment evaluation and Freirian pedagogy is posted below.  It is also available in Portuguese.





I got here in a shaking house on my computer. I have shown my politeness and devotion to you, my dear teacher and friend, in the last two decades.

Shaking house is Housecleaning.