Empowerment Evaluation Workshop Training in India Report

Highlights of Empowerment Evaluation Training in India

Empowerment Evaluation Workshop in India. Building on the last 3 years, we facilitated our first new empowerment evaluation workshop of the year. We used Zoom and Google Sheets to facilitate the workshop remotely. State, district, and local-level colleagues participated in the workshop from across the states in India. As a group we crystalized our mission - eliminate tuberculosis in India; took stock of current efforts - ranging from policy to rights-based training for TB Champions or advocates; and planned for the future - including using social media to disseminate our findings and recommendations. USAID and JSI are supporting this year's efforts to build evaluation capacity in India through a TIFA Project award.

The report is available in multiple formats and locations:

1. The PDF version of the report is available here.

2. The music video version of the report is available here.

3. The entire Zoom recording of the session is available upon request (for a limited time).

4. The report summarizing the workshop training is also presented below.
