Resource Group for Education and Advocacy for Community Health Empowerment Evaluation (India)

 REACH Conducts Their Own Empowerment Evaluation

What a day! Our Resource Group for Education and Advocacy for Community Health (REACH) is dedicated to eliminating tuberculosis in India.

They led their own empowerment evaluation. It was wonderful to watch. I helped them prepare, participated in the exercises, and provided some post-workshop assistance. However, it was all theirs. Sumit Kumar served as the lead empowerment evaluator and facilitator. He didn't miss a beat, from 1) mission, to 2) taking stock, to 3) planning for the future.

He covered the ground. He even helped his team develop empowerment evaluation dashboards. It was all done remotely using Zoom and Google Sheets. It was a wonderful sight to see. Kudos to everyone present and engaged. Special thanks to Subrat Mohanty, Kachina Chawla, and Amrita Goswami.
