Webinars in March 2011: Collaborative, Participatory & Empowerment Evaluation


Mark Your Calendars!

20 Minute WEBINARS

The Collaborative, Participatory, and Empowerment TIG is sponsoring a series of webinars.  For three weeks in March, we’ll offer one webinar each on Collaborative, Participatory, and Empowerment Evaluation.

You need to be a member of AEA to participate in the webinars but anyone can receive the AEA 365 Daily Tips.

Each webinar will define one of the three types of CP&E evaluation, differentiate it from other types of evaluation, explain the underlying theory and how it translates into practice, include resources for learning more, and include time for questions at the end. The short series should be an excellent primer or refresher on CP&E evaluation.  The webinar will consist of 10 minutes of presentation plus time for text-based questions and answers.  Additional follow-up resources will be posted in the AEA virtual library.

1. Empowerment Evaluation will be the first in the series of webinars.  It will be conducted on March 3rd, 2011, from 2:00 PM - 2:20 PM EST

It will be facilitated by Professors David Fetterman, Fetterman & Associates and the University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff (formerly Stanford University) and Abraham Wandersman, University of South Carolina, Columbia. 

2. Participatory Evaluation will be the second webinar in the series.  It will be conducted on March 10th, 2011, from 2:00 PM - 2:20 PM EST. 

The facilitators will be Drs. Ann Zukoski, Rainbow Research, Inc., and Mia Luluquisen, Alameda County Public Health Department.

3. Collaborative Evaluation is the final webinar in the series.  It will be held on March 31st, 2011, from 2:00 PM - 2:20 PM EST.

This webinar will be facilitated by Professors Rita Goldfarb O’Sullivan, University of North Carolina, and Liliana Rodríguez-Campos, University of South Florida.

CP&E TIG will also be sponsoring a series of AEA Daily 365 Tips or Blogs March 20-25, 2011.

The facilitators and their topic areas for the week are as follows:

Empowerment Evaluation

Linda Delaney on Performance Appraisals 
José M. Díaz–Puente on the Empowerment Evaluator’s Role
David Fetterman on Empowerment Evaluation
Beverly Triana-Tremain on Relationship Building
Abraham Wandersman on Empowerment Evaluation & Accountability

Collaborative Evaluation

Liliana Rodriguez-Campos on Collaborative Evaluation

Participatory Evaluation

Lyn Shulha on Reinventing Your Identity as a Participatory Evaluator

In addition, in April, CP&E will be sponsoring a few more AEA 365 Daily Tips or Blogs. Be on the look out for:

Facilitators:  Tobi Mae Lippin, Kristin Bradley-Bull and Tom McQuiston
Title:  Involving stakeholders in data analysis and interpretation

Also be on the look out for postings by Wayne Miller on Empowerment Evaluation and Rita Goldfarb O’Sullivan on Collaborative Evaluation.

Webinars: You need to pre-register, must be an AEA member or purchase a webinar pass, and can register for any one or all three or find information for getting a pass at  http://comm.eval.org/EVAL/coffee_break_webinars/Home/Default.aspx

Aea365 Daily Tips: You can review the archive and sign up to receive these via email (and you don’t need to be an AEA member!) at http://aea365.org/blog/

The CP&E Facebook is a success.  Colleagues are posting on it and sharing information - social/academic networking in action.

Please post primarily about collaborative, participatory, and empowerment evaluation, but it is your professional Facebook page – so feel free to engage and use it to connect with our pretty large family of evaluators.

You can type Collaborative, Participatory, and Empowerment in the Search box on your Facebook or go to:

The co-administrators of our Facebook site are:
Dr. David FettermanFetterman & Associates

We have set up pages for pictures, discussions about proposals for next year’s meeting in California, and all sorts of social networking concerning evaluation.  Enjoy!

I have listed a few additional CP&E web resources below:

Collaborative Web Page (Google sites):http://sites.google.com/site/cpeevaluationcenter/

Facebook (go to Facebook and type in Collaborative, Participatory, and Empowerment Evaluation)

AEA Resource

AEA365 A Tip a Day:  http://www.aea365.org/blog/

2011 AEA Annual Meeting Information

Here is some information about next year’s calendar for your calendars:

Evaluation 2011

Proposal Deadline:      March 18th
Meeting Week:            November 2-5, 2011
Location:                     Anaheim, California
Headquarters Hotel:    Hilton Anaheim 

Check the AEA Home Page for Updates.


Contact Professors David Fetterman – fettermanassociates@gmail.com and Liliana Rodríguez-Campos - liliana@usf.edu - for additional information about the series.  They are the co-chairs of the AEA Collaborative, Participatory, and Empowerment Evaluation TIG.


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