Congratulations - most accessed article online!

Congratulations David and Abe!

The American Journal of Evaluation (AJE) remains a publication of choice for top authors to submit their writing...The top 10 most accessed AJE articles online:

Empowerment Evaluation: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow,
by D. Fetterman, A Wandersman, June 2007.

American Evaluation Association Newsletter, February, 2009, V 9, Issue 2

This is measure of empowerment evaluation's salience in the field.


Dear professor Fetterman

Hi I think Empowerment Evaluation currently pass from an evaluation approach and evolve an evaluation paradigm. For the reason that EE Is:
• Simple, small, understandable, & easy,
• Spacious, complete, holistic & innovator,
• Impulse, participate building & synergistic.

Empowerment Evaluation: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow,
by D. Fetterman, A Wandersman, June 2007 be number one in The top 10 most accessed AJE articles online is a symbol of this result. I praise this auspicious Emersion.

Best wishes for you and all of evaluators and their stakeholders in our globe.


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