The Big Debate at Claremont is Now an Article - JMDE

Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation. The big debate between Fetterman, Patton, and Scriven - about empowerment evaluation and utilization-focused evaluation - is now in print. It was announced on EVALTALK today:

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the publication of Volume 6, Number 13 of the Journal of MultiDisciplinary Evaluation (JMDE). The current issue includes papers by Michael Scriven, Michael Patton, David Fetterman, Stewart Donaldson, Jane Davidson, and many, many others.

The Empowerment Evaluation Debate is available here. Similarly the slides to Dr. Fetterman's presentation are available here.

JMDE is a peer reviewed open-access journal (freely available) and can be viewed at

The JMDE Editorial Team

Managing Editor
Chris L. S. Coryn

Michael Scriven and E. Jane Davidson


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