Evaluation Association of St. Louis Empowerment Evaluation Webinar

Evaluation Association of St. Louis 
Empowerment Evaluation Webinar
(with Dr. David Fetterman)

Evaluation Association of St Louis' Empowerment Evaluation (EASL) Webinar was Tuesday, May 12, 2020. Matt Feldmann, EASL President and Megan Ondr-Cooper, Program Chair, invited me (David Fetterman) to highlight essential features of empowerment evaluation. (They won the hour with me with a winning bid at the American Evaluation Association's Silent Auction.) A brief overview of the topics we will cover is presented below:

Empowerment evaluation is a stakeholder involvement approach to evaluation. It is aimed at learning and improving. It helps people learn how to help themselves and become more self-determined, by learning how to monitor and evaluate their own programs and initiatives. Key concepts include a critical friend (evaluator helping to guide their evaluation), cycles of reflection and action, and a community of learners. Principles guiding empowerment evaluation range from improvement to capacity building and accountability. Contact Matt and Megan for additional details.

Most of the empowerment evaluation webinar was recorded and is available for review.  

The password is: 3a^746cr
