Empowerment Evaluation in Cambridge: Charlotte Tulinius


Charlotte Tulinius' Empowerment Evaluation Work in Cambridge

Charlotte Tulinius is the Medical Education Research Lead at University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine. She has been building capacity for many years using empowerment evaluation. She facilitated her first project seven years ago. It was a global health education exchange programme, working with remote and socially deprived communities in UK and Kenya. 

Last year she started facilitating groups of medical students supporting their peers in developing their own learning resources. Currently, she is setting up a project involving stakeholders from across the Clinical School at Cambridge University, UK to study how the medical school can develop their Post-Covid teaching and learning.

She has found Dr. Fetterman’s empowerment evaluation design an incredibly powerful way of working with stakeholders in undergraduate and postgraduate medical and health professions’ education, also inspired by his work at Stanford particularly: 
